Thursday, June 19, 2008

Kobe Bryant, you suck

I'm pretty happy to say that the Lakers lost in the finals. I know it has nothing to do with photography or even art, but today it's ok. I hate the Lakers. I hate everything they stand for. I do think they perfectly represent the city they come from however. By that I mean the Lakers are a HUGE disapointment, and an embarasment. How can this city, that prides itself on the superficial be such a dump? I'm not sure, but they sure put together one superficial basketball team. Kobe isn't a dominant player, and Phill Jackson isn't the greatest coach in the universe. What I've noticed, is that without a guy named Jordan or O'Neil, it's VERY difficult for him to win a championship. However, O'Neil DID bring a championship to Miami. Hmmm, makes you think. Kobe, where did you go? Don't great players find a way to make an impact when it counts? You had a low scoring game when it counted most. You had almost no assists when they shut down your shooting. You had no rebounds when they stopped you from shooting and passing. What do you get paid for exactly, to make Paul Pierce look like the best player in the game I suppose.

At any rate, go Celtics, I'm happy for you at this particular time. I hate Boston sports, but you brought shame to the Lakers franchise that nobody will soon forget. And for that, I thank you.

Now it's time to get ready for something that matters, something called...........THE DALLAS COWBOYS!!!!
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Saturday, June 14, 2008

Vegas baby, VEGAS!!

Long time no post, sometimes daily life gets in the way of online updates. I thought a good way to keep posting updates when busy would be to post up and talk about a particular photograph now and again.

So this is the first one I'll talk about. When I look at it the first thing it reminds me of is that you don't always have the best vantage point. I'm not looking down a particularly interesting point on the strip. I guess you can see the New York New York Casino to the left, and then far off on the right the top of the Paris Hotel and Casino. What is interesting though, are the amount of cars going into town compared to the number of cars leaving town. I don't suppose I noticed that at the time I took the photo, but who knows why one takes certain photos.

This photo also represents one of the ways I like to guide the eye and create interest, and that is with focus and color/saturation. I did a lot of work to the sky on this one, to really saturate it up, it kind of draws the eye away from the line of cars coming into town. I think that creates a nice sense of movement for the eye, and the end result is an interesting photo of something that isn't actually that interesting, in my opinion.
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